lovealways morganbrittani

lovealways morganbrittani

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Christmas Gifts

It’s almost Christmas Eve. That being said it is time for me to take a step back and reflect.. In light of this Christmas season, I am going to share the three Christmas Gifts in which God has given me after much prayer. These being love, joy, and peace. I guess I’ll start with love. 

Love is something that we all grow up wanting to encounter. Disney princesses made me feel as if love was something that could only be given by a kiss or a prince. However, I have realized over the years that love is more than a physical attraction between two people. Love is a gift, a gift that God has bestowed upon the people of this world. The gift of love is such a beautiful thing and can help someone out of their deepest pains. This year has been a complete game changer for me. Right after I truly started to entirely believe in my God without a doubt he tested my faith. This test did not come in the form I had imagined. The light that surrounding me soon became too dim to rely on. The love given by my loved ones restored not only my physical, mental, and emotional well-being but made me in fact a stronger Morgan. Agape Love. That is the first gift that God has given me. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love and want the best for me. 

I used to get so down. Down for reasons I could not even begin to explain. I wouldn't  be able to eat, sleep, sometimes, and I didn't understand why. I did not know exactly why my heart was filled with this hole. I would cry out to God to please fix it, fix me. I wanted to have my heart filled with nothing but love once again. I prayed… On January 31, 2013, I was in the car with my best friend going to the Watch Night Service. We were listening to Christian music on the way there preparing our hearts for what was to come. Then, “I want it back,” by Tye Tribbett began to play. I had never heard this song but it was truly speaking to me. The words to that song unexplainably captured my soul. Then, my friend said “Say you want your joy back,” my spirit shook. It was so ironic because I did not know what it was necessarily that was missing from my life. God had revealed it to me through her, it was such a beautiful experience. Later that night, it was prayer time. I went up to receive prayer and that night I was told, “God is going to restore you of your joy…” I can now report to you that I have never been more joyful in my entire life. I know that there will be more test and I will have some bad days. JOY last longer than happiness. Happiness is a feeling, a feeling that can go away as fast or faster than it came. JOY is everlasting. The fact that God has blessed me with such an amazing gift is overwhelming. For this I have prayed. I want to share my joy with all of those that I ever encounter. I pray that I can touch as many as possible to spread the joy that God has given me.

After all of my trials, God has given me peace. I am able to trust him no matter the circumstance. This peace has allowed me to carry myself in a different way than ever before. Peace may be the last of the three gifts in which God has given me. However, this sense of peace has changed my life and has allowed me to further live without the fears that tomorrow may bring.

Merry Christmas y'all. I hope your Christmas is filled with lots of love, joy and peace. Enjoy this time!



Saturday, November 1, 2014


            It’s N O V E M B E R already, wow. A new month. Once again, we are approaching a new year. During this time, several of us are surrounded by our loved ones. Everyone's body is filled with joy and a whole lot of good food. This year lets share love with one another during this holiday season and do nice things for others throughout this month. Lets encourage those who are down and lift up the weak. Next time you hear about someone going through something crazy, instead of talking about them lets close are eyes and simply pray for them. Instead of moping in our own self-pity, lets praise God that we are still here. This november lets really be someone else’s joy!

I challenge you to these tasks //

  1. Share your LOVE with those around you!
  2. Reconcile with those who have hurt you.
  3. Be with someone in their time of need (nothing is better than being the light in someones darkest moments even if it is only by giving them a simple hug).
  4. Give away something (during this time of year children as well as adults need things to help their families stay afloat within this season). 
  5. P R A Y
  6. And continue to thank God for everyday you woke up because it is not guaranteed but it is a blessing.

Also, don’t forget to make a change in your life starts with you. You don’t have to wait for tomorrow to make a positive change in your life. Change today. God wants to use you and your gifts! And if you already know God and want forgiveness for your sins don’t be afraid we all sin. The beautiful thing is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and you can become set free from those sins that you feel have you in bondage. It’s not easy, however, it is possible.


- MorganBrittani

This year has not been an easy one for me and I don’t think I could have gotten through it if I did not know my God. Depend on him. Trust in him. Live for him. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Second Half is Coming. Don't Give Up.

I know times are tough. I know you maybe feeling like giving up on everything but please don’t give up now. It is almost the new year don’t bring those insecurities, doubts, and uncertainties with you. God still has a plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). You thinking that it is time to give up is giving the devil a chance to reign over your life. When you make room for the devil you are making room for his mess. Don't allow him to destroy your relationships, your thoughts, and your well-being!!! Choose Jesus. He is the light in the darkness. 
If you feel as if people are causing you to drift from God let them GO. The point of this life is to accomplish all that God has planned for you and to trust in him. If you are trusting in that little boy, little girl or social media for your fulfillment, YOU WILL NEVER BE FULFILLED. We have a void in our heart that only christ alone can fix. 

God has planned your life out without any mistakes. We serve a magnificent God. This is the second half and we are about to overcome everything that has been eating at us and placing some sort of disorder in your life. God can and will heal you where you hurt. Stop allowing the devil to eat at you. Stop running to others who are hurting too and start running to God. With support and God we will get through this. We will be great. And we will see. God can change your negative thoughts into positive ones trust me I have seen him do it first hand. I used to be depressed (I would not be able to eat, sleep, or express myself) but after following God I have been healed. Prayer changes things. God changes things. Thank God for still loving you after all the times you have strayed away from him. You will see a change in your life and in your faith. Times are tough. But our God is tougher. Last time I blogged I told you guys to trust in God. Now I tell you keep on pushing and DON’T GIVE UP on the God that will never give up on you.


- MorganBrittani

God loves you and I am praying for all of those who even open this blog. The power of prayer is beyond amazing. Have an amazing day (: 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Trust & Believe. You WILL See.

Sometimes when life begins to get rough you don’t know who to trust. You don’t know who to depend on. When I used to be going through something big or small I would normally want to crawl up into a tiny ball/state of depression. However, after my first year of college that all changed and I want to share that change with you.
After the first semester of my freshman year of college I really started to live for Jesus completely. I realized that I can not do this without him by my side. Life is hard enough and with this void in my heart I must fill it with Christ. I thank God for having family and friends so dedicated to Jesus Christ. They made me want to know him truly for myself. 
After really beginning to trust in God I’ve had a series of different test that made trusting in God hard. However, depending on him other than depending on myself helped me get through them faster, keep a smile on my face, and continue to be prayerful. I realized that what the bible says is true, “I can do all things through [Christ] who gives me strength.” With God, I have been able to discover who he has called me into this world to be. I realize who I am becoming and I TRUST that he will always guide me in the right direction. When you feel broken he will heal you. When you are alone he is with you. That is why I trust in him. 
- MorganBrittani

Be Blessed. Happy Sunday. This week I challenge you to be great. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lets Break the Chains

Two days ago while driving the song, “Break Every Chain” by Tasha Cobbs began to play. Now this was not my first time hearing this song. The song is actually one of my favorites, however, this time listening to it was different. 

         I was hearing more than just the lyrics I was seeing all of the things that God is going to do. I was hearing him say that he needs our help as not only Christians but people to do it.
The song starts out by stating, “There’s an army rising up.” This army is us. This is me. This is you. God wants us all to come together as people and as leaders to bring more people to him. Because if we are together then we can help one another break the chains that the devil has placed upon us. The chains that have us bondage will fall if together we all trust in God and support one another in our walk with him.
I know that trusting in God can sometimes be a difficult thing to do but God will bring you out of your darkest hour if we trust in him and John 1:5 reassures us of just that. It says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” So even in your darkest hour God’s light is still shining in you. No matter how weak you may feel God will ALWAYS heal you. When you are down remember he will lift you back up. You are going to make it through.
So as you see people in your life journey struggling with different things be there for them. Uplift them. Together we will break all chains. Overcome all obstacles and do what God has called us to do in order to bring more to Jesus Christ. Lets build up God’s army and together BREAK EVERY CHAIN! Lets be set free from our sins.



Thursday, August 7, 2014



     I remember the first time I looked inside of the mirror and did not like what was looking back at me. I was about fourteen years old. In that moment I started to question everything. I began to think to myself. Why would God do this to me? Why did God give me this body? 
As the years passed it only got worse. The older I got, the lower my self-esteem became. Every time I would look on the internet I would see all of these beautiful people. Over time I let that get to me. I no longer wanted to be me. I just wanted to look like the girls in the magazines because they were beautiful… And when I looked at myself I didn't see that beauty. I just wanted to fit into this world. I wanted to be the beauty that I constantly saw on television, Instagram and other social medias. I no longer wanted to be me.
I would pray to God and ask him to make me beautiful. Hoping that he would answer me. Hoping that one day I would wake up, look into the mirror and see a new me. But instead of God doing that he changed my outlook on beauty completely.  
It all happened when I was reading the bible and stumbled across Romans chapter twelve verse two. It read, “Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you...” When reading this God spoke to me. He said, “Morgan. The exact things that make you feel as if you are less than are what make you even more beautiful to me. The things that you feel make you not worthy enough to be in this world are what make you perfect in my world. I have a plan for you. I am going to use you. You are my daughter.” Tears came to my eyes when I heard him speak. In that instant everything changed. I looked inside of the mirror and realized that I am beautiful JUST THE WAY I AM. 
In that moment I felt better. I realized that he loves me unconditionally. He looks at what I call my “flaws” and he calls me “flawless.” God took his time making me. As he did each and every one of us. We are all flawless. We are all beautiful. We are all made in his image. So now every time I look inside of the mirror if I see something that I feel is an imperfection I remember that God made me this way for a reason. I remember that God made me beautiful. 

P.S. I want to thank all of my beautiful sisters for taking these selfies to make this flawless picture. I do not know what I would do without you all. You have all made a tremendous impact on my life. I could not be the young woman I am today without you all there for love and support! 


- MorganBrittani

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I am not perfect


I remember playing with my barbie dolls in my room like always and asking myself, “Why am I here,” like it was yesterday. But now I have grown older.
        I started to realize that I had a light that could bring happiness to those around me. It made me feel special and talented to know that I could make someone smile just by seeing my face. Then, when I went to high school everything changed. It was my first real test of faith when I look back on it. God wanted to see if I would love him through my mess. If I would pray for my breakthrough. And if I wouldn’t give up on him.
      It all started when I became completely depressed in high school. I felt as if no one understood how alone I truly felt because I would hold up a good front. And when my parents put me in counseling I never told my counselor what was truly going on inside of my mind. I would smile at everyone hoping that someone would realize how hurt I truly was. But nobody ever did. I wanted to hurt myself. Hurt what God made and with that neglect the purpose that God had for me. I felt as if God wasn’t there for me anymore. As if he had left my side. I didn’t understand why people ridiculed my smile. Why people would point out all of my flaws. Why would God let me go through this? Why would he let me feel like I would never be good enough?
       But see what I realized is that God will never forsake me. That God is my healer. God is my friend. God is my way when there is no way. God has my best interest at heart. God wants me to win this fight against the devil. And he will always be there in my darkest hours. I am faced with negative thoughts every once and a while. But there is something different about me now and how I was back then. I am not scared. I am not the girl I once was. NOTHING can stop me because I know that God has a plan for me. Although I do not know my exact purpose I know that each and everyday that I walk with God I am closer to finding it out. I am not perfect. And that is why he loves me. My imperfections make me even more beautiful. 

- MorganBrittani