lovealways morganbrittani

lovealways morganbrittani

Friday, January 9, 2015

New Chapter, Same Girl


  At the beginning of 2014, I knew I wanted something different. I was completely worn out and running on empty. I was a wreck. I believed in God without a doubt, however, I was not giving him my all. I knew that I had to spend more time with him and through that alone I knew I would gain some knowledge on what God wants for my life. I started to pray daily. I would pour my heart out to God sharing with him all of my cares and concerns. I eventually even started a YouTube Channel to help reassure people like me that God is real, he will heal your pain, and change your situation. These videos allowed me to connect with God in a way I had never been able to connect with him before.
Around April 2014, I heard God tell me that it was time for me to change schools. I remember thinking, “What do you mean God” and “Do you realize what that would mean for my life, that’s a huge decision.” I applied to new schools and got accepted. However, I had not heard back from the school in which I was most interested in attending. I called the admissions office and they said that for some reason my application did not show up in their system. I began to wonder if I heard God correctly. Maybe he did not want me to leave my school. In fact, maybe he wanted me to stay. I began to feel afraid of change. This emotion led me back to my previous school for a second year. Throughout this semester, I heard God tell me that it was now time for me to make a huge step and to truly trust in him. Around October, I made a decision to transfer schools. I did not share this information with anyone including my parents until a month after. I felt as if I truly needed to reflect on everything with God. I wanted him to show me why he wanted me to change schools and why he did not want me to attend the school I was transferring to in the beginning.
The week before I left my old school I told a few people that I would not be returning. Those same people wrote me letters and sent me text messages saying the same thing, “You inspire me.” One person even told me that they were shy and I helped them truly grow just by having my loving nature around. These heartfelt messages really allowed me to see that there was a purpose for me to be in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at that point and time in my life. God showed his face to others through me. It is amazing how he will use you when you let him.
It is now January and I have just finished my first week at my new school in Atlanta, Georgia. I do not question God on anything, however, I have faith in him. Changing schools was a huge leap of faith that I know I would not have been able to happen if I had not trusted in God and had people continuously pray for me. The first day of school I realized that this is truly where God has called me to be and this is my time. In the past few weeks, I have been shown several different things regarding what God has planned for my life. I am beyond excited to be on this journey called life as I allow God to write my memoir. If you ever feel God telling you to do something out of your comfort zone remember he has your heart at interest.



P.S. Have a wonderful weekend beauties! 

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